
Mohamed Kouache
Understanding Processes and Inter-Process Communication
In modern computing processes form the bedrock of how out applications run and interact with the operating system

Mohamed Kouache
Concurrency, Where Yesterday Meets Today.
The story of concurrency begins in the early 1960s when computers were enormously expensive machines that could only execute one program at time.

Mohamed Kouache
WebRTC and getUserMedia API: A Step-by-Step Guide
In WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication), the getUserMedia API is used to access a user's camera and microphone. It allows you to capture audio and video from the user's device for use in real-time communication applications, such as video conferencing and web streaming.

Mohamed Kouache
WebRTC connecting people in Real-Time part 1
in the ever-evolving world of the internet, communication has taken a giant leap forward with the advent of webrtc (web real-time communication). Imagine a world where you can seamlessly chat, make video calls, and share information with friends, family, or colleagues in real-time, directly through your web browser. Well, that's the magic of WebRTC, and in this article, we'll unravel its secrets in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

Mohamed Kouache
Deep copy and shallow copy in javascript
In JavaScript, when you copy objects or arrays, you might encounter the concepts of "deep copy" and "shallow copy". These terms refer to different ways of copying data structures and have implications for how changes to the copied structure affect the original one.

Mohamed Kouache
Arrow function and the "this" keyword in javascript
In JavaScript, arrow functions are a concise way to write functions. They were introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) and have a different way of handling the "this" keyword compared to traditional function expressions.

Mohamed Kouache
Is JavaScript an Object-oriented programming language?
When it comes to the Object-oriented programming paradigm, javascript is quite different from other languages like C++/java in the way of implementing OOP.

Mohamed Kouache
Multithreading in node.js with worker threads
When it comes to dealing with CPU-intensive operations in node.js, we all agree that there are only three ways to do it either “cluster module”, “child process” or “worker threads”. in this article, we will see how to do CPU-bound operations with worker threads

Mohamed Kouache
What is the event loop in node.js
Understanding the event loop is essential for writing efficient and scalable Node.js applications. It's the foundation of how Node.js manages asynchronous operations, making it possible to build high-performance applications with a relatively simple programming model.

Mohamed Kouache
Scaling node.js apps with clustering
As a follow-up to the last article about the event loop, let's go deeper into how to scale node.js apps with clustering.

mohamed kouache
webrtc and rtcpeerconnection: establishing a peer-to-peer connection
webrtc (web real-time communication) has revolutionized the way we communicate on the web, enabling seamless real-time audio, video, and data sharing between browsers. at the core of webrtc lies rtcpeerconnection.